Saturday, May 15, 2010

Creepy Places and Bad Hand-Painted Signs

As I was driving semi-aimlessly around town this afternoon in an attempt to further delay my trip to the YMCA I noticed fair rides poking out from behind the buildings of Fountain Square. The rides sparked my curiosity because none of them were in motion.

The whole carnival was revealed to me as I pulled around the corner. A fan of oddly deserted places, I decided to park the car and wonder around.

Except for a few bored carnies milling about, the place was completely empty. I managed to snap a few shots before I felt like someone was going to approach me and ask me just what I thought I was doing. I was not sure how they would like my answer, "I like creepy places and bad hand-painted signs."

1 comment:

  1. Bahaaha! "This way--no adults." Gotta love subtle pedophilia.
