Saturday, May 22, 2010

Steal, I Mean, Deal

An important lesson learned from my mother- when you see a yard sale sign, go for it!

Browsing others no longer desired belongings spread out on their lawn or on card tables in the garage was my mother's choice way to kill a Saturday morning during the summers months. Unlike her, I rarely go out with the plan to spend a day going to yard sales, but once I hazardously make that last-minute turn towards the first one, it is pretty much guaranteed my next several hours will be spent following neon poster-board signs from one sale to another.

Although the encounter with the item's former owner is brief, I find an odd satisfaction in knowing exactly where my purchase came from. Plus, you never know what you may find.

Today I could have purchased live chickens at $6 each. "Now there is a lady who would love a couple chickens!" the elderly gentleman trying to make the sale shouted out at me as I browsed his merchandise. Knowing our neighbors would not be thrilled to have city chickens next door, I restrained myself, but he sure had me pegged.

What I did buy- a few records for my husband and a dress form, which I have been wanting for awhile now. Today, I paid a whopping $5 for one, and the woman threw a vintage purse that she caught me eyeing into the steal, I mean, deal.

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